BC and Yukon Book Prizes Shortlist

“Darrel J. McLeod (left) is among the authors shortlisted for a BC & Yukon Book Prize this year. Read details on all the shortlisted authors here.FULL STORY


B.C. History

Saint X & the boy

Now there is a sixth. The only little boy with blond hair that Saint-Exupéry knew at all well during the… FULL STORY

Chapter One

A Visit from Francis [1] Alice Ravenhill collected her going-out items from the room she shared with her sister Edith… FULL STORY

Chapter Two

Offering Service to Canada (1910-1926) The Shawnigan Lake community that Alice and Edith Ravenhill saw in November of 1910 combined… FULL STORY

Chapter Three

Sixty-Seven Years Old and What Next? As some of Alice Ravenhill’s critics have noticed, she had little previous knowledge in… FULL STORY

Chapter Four

The Tale Behind the Tale The lounge of the Windermere Hotel was busy on the evening of December 27, 1939…. FULL STORY

Chapter Five

Meeting Mr. Coyote “Oh good, it’s Friday” Clarence Walkem[1] said to his best friend, Oliver Stewart. It had been a… FULL STORY

Chapter Six

Getting It All Done The summons came just after lunchtime on August 23, 1941. “Miss Ravenhill” the anxious voice of… FULL STORY

Chapter Seven

The Last Ten Years The view out the corner window of the Aged and Infirm Old Women’s Home at 857… FULL STORY

Chapter Eight

What’s It All About? What have we learned about Alice Ravenhill? How was she shaped by her family background and… FULL STORY

Struggles & triumphs

A journalist since 1990, Ding Guo has contributed to World Economic Review magazine, China Times Weekly, World Journal, Asian Weekly… FULL STORY

Secret graves

You’ve heard of Ellis Island, the processing station in New York harbour for millions of immigrants who came to America… FULL STORY

Tilly & her sisters

Has anyone noticed? We’ve had a flurry of books only about the lives of individual First Nations women of BC…. FULL STORY

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