2024 Governor General’s Finalists

This year, Brandi Bird (left) and six other BC-based authors made it to the shortlist of the GG’s Literary Awards within four categories. Read about the finalists and their work here.FULL STORY


B.C. Bestsellers

Jack of two trades

Jack Schofield of Mayne Island flew, for 20 years, as a commercial seaplane pilot along the full stretch of coastal… FULL STORY

BC Bestsellers

BC Bestsellers Week of January 4, 2015 Adult Titles 1. Whitewater Cooks With Passion  Shelley Adams  9780981142425  Alicon Holdings Another… FULL STORY

BC Bestsellers

BC Bestsellers Week of December 7, 2014 Adult Titles 1. Whitewater Cooks With Passion  Shelley Adams (pictured at right)  … FULL STORY

BC Bestsellers

BC Bestsellers Week of October 26, 2014 Adult Titles 1. Whitewater Cooks With Passion  Shelley Adams  9780981142425  Alicon Holdings Another… FULL STORY

BC Bestsellers

BC Bestseller List Week of October 5, 2014 Whitewater Cooks With Passion (Alicon Holdings / Sandhill) Vancouver Confidential  (Anvil Press) Dolphin… FULL STORY

BC Bestsellers

Week of August 24, 2014 Adult Titles 1. Sensational Vancouver Lazarus  978-1927380987  Anvil Press History books typically show Vancouver as… FULL STORY

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