The Book of Lua
May 16th, 2018
Lua, the partially paralyzed cat, is lucky to be cared for by Dania Sheldon. After she suffered a spinal cord injury as a kitten, Lua was rehabilitated at a kitten orphanage before being adopted by Sheldon. After many doctor visits, Lua and Sheldon settled into daily life together on Gabriola Island. Lua has the run of a large garden and spends time outside most days, even when it snows. After many requests to write a book about Lua, Sheldon finally complied with a children’s book that even adults can enjoy. The Book of Lua: Stories and wisdom from a little cat with mobility challenges (Kittenhaus Press, $22.95) is an animal lover’s delight. Not only does it show that cats with rear paralysis and other conditions can have long happy lives, it is full of stories about saving other wildlife – everything from bats and flies to snakes and birds. Sheldon has been an editor since 1997 and a writer since 2007. She is also a volunteer with Vancouver Orphan Kitten Rescue Association. 978-0-9959039-0-6
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