Damon and the crow
January 09th, 2023
In her YA graphic novel, Visions of the Crow (Highwater Press $23.95), volume one in the series Dreams, Wanda John-Kehewin introduces us to Damon Quinn who is struggling to get through his senior high school year. Bullies cause Damon trouble; a new girl named Journey keeps digging into Damon’s personal business; and a mysterious crow begins following him. Home life isn’t any easier. His mom struggles with alcohol and is barely coping with day-to-day issues. After Damon is seized by a waking dream in the middle of a busy street, he confronts his mom with some hard questions: Why haven’t I met my dad? Where did we come from? Who am I? Help comes from new friends. Using magic realism, John-Kehewin also has Damon travelling through time and space to move forward in his life. Illustrations are by nicole marie burton. Wanda John-Kehewin is a Cree writer who uses her work to understand and respond to the near destruction of First Nations cultures, languages and traditions. 9781774920459
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