Indigenous social work

“Long an advocate of incorporating traditional Indigenous knowledge into social work, Jeannine Carriere (at left) has co-edited a book of essays about addressing this urgent need.FULL STORY


A Year of Borrowed Men

December 03rd, 2015

Michelle Barker’s A Year of Borrowed Men (Pajama Press 2015) arose from her mother’s childhood memories of Germany during World War II, written from the perspective of seven-year-old Gerda who doesn’t fully grasp why three French prisoners-of-war, sent to work on their family farm as labourers, cannot be invited inside from the barn for one meal? Kindness overcomes suspicion as Gabriel, Fermaine and Albert gradually gain the trust of the little girl. With family photos and an author’s historical note, A Year of Borrowed Men suggests to young readers that it’s not far from the German word Feinde (enemies) to the German word Freunde (friends). The book is illustrated by Renné Benoit.


Old Growth, Clear-Cut: Poems of Haida Gwaii – a poetry chapbook (Leaf Press, 2012)

The Beggar King (Thistledown Press, 2013) 978-1-927068-37-3 $15.95

A Year of Borrowed Men (Pajama Press 2015)
978-1-927485-83-5 $21.95 Illustrated by Renné Benoit

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