Tucker Cross to Bermuda Key
January 02nd, 2016
B.R. Bentley’s first novel, The Cross (Friesen Press), was inspired by the theft of the Tucker Cross in 1975. After lying undisturbed in the ocean for almost 400 years, the Tucker Cross was discovered off the coast of Bermuda at the site of the wreck of the Spanish galleon, San Pedro, in 1955. Twenty years later, the staff at Bermuda’s Maritime Museum would learn that the emerald-encrusted solid gold cross had been stolen; switched in its case with a worthless replica shortly before an official visit from Queen Elizabeth II. Despite an international investigation by its insurer’s and the police, it would never be recovered. The Cross is a fictional account of the theft of the gold pectoral cross salvaged from the sunken Spanish galleon. In a sequel, The Bermuda Key (Friesen Press), Bentley has revisited the investigation into the disappearance of the original cross, while simultaneously following the attempts of the various protagonists to obtain possession of a priceless key hidden within. Only one of the salvage divers and a mysterious group of cardinals known as the Silenti, are aware that the cross contains a hidden key. Only the cardinals know of the key’s significance to the Papacy. U.S. $16.99 pb, $27.99 hc, $4.99 e-book
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