Vancouver’s Lifeguard Legend

“Ruby Smith Diaz (l.) examines the life of Joe Fortes, a Black lifeguard in Vancouver, during a time of rampant racism, exploring his legacy and identity through research, personal reflections and poetry.FULL STORY


Orangeville revisited

April 19th, 2016

As Director of Advancement with Simon Fraser University, Cindy Graves self-published Carey-On (FriessenPress 2015), a memoir about the Carey family who moved from Toronto to a hobby farm in Orangeville, Ontario in 1975. Narrators Cindy and Natalie are sisters who recall Natalie’s “premature departure” from home due to youthful romance. Their father Harry Carey fires a shotgun at an unknown car to dissuade repeated trespassing, eventually landing himself in jail, charged with attempted murder. The author’s teenage sister had an abortion, left home and was cut off from the rest of the family. “We never talked about these things,” says Graves. “We just shoved them under the carpet and carried on with our day-to-day lives… I wanted to examine the repercussions and collateral damage on the family, and by extension of all families, in failing to address the trauma and underlying issues.” $39.99 Hardcover 978-1-4602-6712-7 / $28.99 Paperback 978-1-4602-6713-42-7 / $2.99 eBook  978-1-4602-6714-1

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