Indigenous social work

“Long an advocate of incorporating traditional Indigenous knowledge into social work, Jeannine Carriere (at left) has co-edited a book of essays about addressing this urgent need.FULL STORY


#55 Justin’s protracted adolescence

May 27th, 2016

Hi, Darlin’:

Justin has gone to Japan to try to make nice and come back with some improved trade deals. After Elbowgate, I would imagine he was very glad to get on a plane and go somewhere. Anywhere.

The furor kicked off by what some reporters called Elbowgate was bordering on the hysterical, I thought. Hey, why not boobgate? Could it be the golden patina is already wearing thin? How will the boy wonder handle the other side of public opinion? So far he’s been very well treated, one might even say gently treated. Could it be his boyish charm is starting to look a bit too much like protracted adolescence?

I know we’re not supposed to be so crass as to mention class distinction; we are supposed to foster and further the idea we are a democracy, and all people have equal worth. Every child born in this country has the same chance to wind up Prime Minister. All that good stuff.

Maybe we should grow up ourselves and realize that only those entitled few have any chance to be PM. Look at who we’ve had so far. Don’t see many ditch diggers’ kids living in 24 Sussex street. Most of them have private school backgrounds.

How well do you think the Entitled can govern a nation of working class people? How can those who have never had to worry about where they’ll find the money to pay the hydro bill understand the burdens carried by those who have grown up knowing they will have to work hard all the days of their lives? Isn’t it time we looked at class, and entitlement, and power and seriously thought of changing the system by which the leaders are chosen?

Well, at least Harpy is stepping down. Now that the Duffy farce has run its course and the Mounties have decided they won’t charge Pamela Wallin and there’s no longer any need to be protected from having to testify in court, Harpy is going to leave Parliament and move on to his reward in the private sector.


Stiff, stiff breeze this morning, blowing from the mountains to the sea… sunshine, and a sky full of white cloud but there’s a ‘feel’ of rain, almost impossible to describe, it might even be a “smell” rather than a ‘feel’.

We were going to go to the lake today but the clouds are no longer white, they’re increasingly dark. The wind has picked up, the temperature has dropped, and it looks as if we’re going to be hit by a storm.  No lake for us today. The dogs are going to have to settle for naps and snoozes instead of a day of path prowling and all those delicious sniffs and scents.

I’ll survive. I have a good book. Not a new one, I found a copy of L.R. Wright’s Kidnap.  First published in 2000, it’s the first of the Edwina Henderson mysteries. I’ve read it a couple of times before, and I’ll probably read it again; it’s not your usual mystery, there’s no shooting, stabbing, or car chases, no massive explosions or terrorist cells. That’s not what Wright did. Instead, she explores psychology, managing to make even the villains seem like people we know, people we might even like. It’s a challenging read. It seems almost under-written, and yet… and yet…. the characters will stay in your mind for a long time… I wish L.R. Wright had lived longer and written more. Such a loss.

Anne Cameron grows pussywillows on the western edge of Vancouver Island. She received the George Woodcock Lifetime Achievement Award for an outstanding literary career in British Columbia in 2010. Her 23 books include Daughters of Copper Woman, the bestselling work of fiction ever written about B.C. and published from within B.C. She has banished herself to Tahsis, a small town not far from Friendly Cove where the shenanigans called British Columbia all began.

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