Indigenous social work

“Long an advocate of incorporating traditional Indigenous knowledge into social work, Jeannine Carriere (at left) has co-edited a book of essays about addressing this urgent need.FULL STORY


Jamaica bound

May 09th, 2017

Lorna Goodison of Halfmoon Bay will be installed in her new position as Poet Laureate of Jamaica for a three-year term during a ceremony at King’s House in St. Andrew, Jamaica on May 17, 2017.

According to the National Library of Jamaica, Goodison was selected by a secret ballot vote conducted by the Poet Laureate Committee.

Lorna Goodison is the author of two collections of short stories, eight books of poetry, and the award-winning memoir From Harvey River: A Memoir of My Mother and Her People. She has received much international recognition, including the Musgrave Gold Medal.

Born in Jamaica, Goodison has taught at the University of Toronto and now teaches at the University of Michigan. She lives in Halfmoon Bay, B.C. with her husband Ted Chamberlin. Her 2011 story collection is By Love Possessed (M&S $28.99).

Lorna Goodison, Wayde Comptom and Tanya Evanson were among 90 contributors to the first national anthology to focus solely on poetry by African Canadians, Great Black North: Contemporary African Canadian Poetry ($21.95), edited by Valerie Mason-John and Kevan Anthony Cameron, and launched during Black History Month in February of 2012.

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