How do I know God loves me?
January 29th, 2016

Esther Hizsa’s self-published Stories of an Everyday Pilgrim ($16.95 Amazon 2015) contains vignettes, poems and essays about how the author experiences God in her day-to-day life. This work of creative non-fiction addresses questions people often ask about God and the Christian life: How does prayer work? How do I know God loves me? How do I love my neighbour, care for the earth, reconcile my past, deal with sin, and handle my feelings? Esther Hizsa lives in Burnaby, B.C., with her husband, Fred. She has a Master of Divinity degree from Regent College, Vancouver, B.C. and worked for over twenty years as an associate pastor—first in the United Church of Canada and then in the Canadian Reformed Church in America. She offers spiritual direction (trained through SoulStream) and co-facilitates SoulStream’s spiritual formation course, Living from the Heart. Her writing has been published in Journey toward Home: Soul Travel from Advent to Lent (edited by Kristin Carroccino and Christine Sine); Pacific Yachting and Mennonite Herald magazines; and various blogs, including her own: An Everyday Pilgrim. 978-1-5146-7531-1 (paperback)
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