Fly fishing father
April 28th, 2022

Avid fly-fisher, Mark Hume has logged thousands of hours over the last five decades standing in BC’s rivers, casting his line, reeling in fish (often releasing them) and soaking up the majesty of nature. He’s penned several books about conservation, rivers and fly fishing including his last title, a tribute to his mentor and co-author Mo Bradley, Trout School: Lessons from a Fly-Fishing Master (Greystone Books, 2019). As his daughters grew up, Hume introduced them to the meditative sport, how to read the water and the deep allure of the natural world. He shares this endearing father-daughter story in Reading the Water: Fly Fishing, Fatherhood, and Finding Strength in Nature (Greystone Books $34.95). 9781771645690
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