Bio-netting has a champion
July 09th, 2014

Vancouver artist Sharon Kallis is no stranger to environmental art. Over the past few years, she has collaborated with environmentalists, ecologists and communities to transform unwanted natural materials, like invasive species and green waste, into physical structures that will support the return of native flora and fauna. Kallis, using traditional weaving techniques, fashions invasive vines into nurse logs and bio netting. These art pieces slow soil erosion and support the return of native plants. The installations or collaborative eco-art she creates are ecological interventions tailored to each space. Common Threads: Weaving Community through Collaborative Eco-Art (New Society Pub. $29.95) is a simple weaving guide to engage communities in controlling invasive species, creating better green waste management and building collective urban gardens for the greater good. Uniting communities in a common goal fosters relationships and develops responsible land stewardship. Kallis believes that a do-it-together mentality empowers communities and connects individuals to work as one in the fight to combat environment urban issues.
Common Threads: Weaving Community through Collaborative Eco-Art (New Society Pub. 2014) $29.95 978-0-86751-778-7
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