Indigenous social work

“Long an advocate of incorporating traditional Indigenous knowledge into social work, Jeannine Carriere (at left) has co-edited a book of essays about addressing this urgent need.FULL STORY


Tiger and the Robot

May 02nd, 2019

Grahame Shannon’s first novel, Tiger and the Robot, begins with the annual Swiftsure Yacht Race in the Strait of Juan de Fuca. Described as a rollicking adventure-mystery with an AI (articifical intelligence) heroine, the story arises from the abduction for ransom of Gina Lee, an Asian billionaire. The search and rescue mission centres upon Chandler Gray, a software geek who lives on a sailboat and who has had a chance encounter with the abductee. Chandler develops an artificial intelligence detective, activated via a phone app, named Saga (pronounced Say-gah). An antique seaplane flies them to the Aleutian Island; an ancient Land Rover is used to explore remote areas of Vancouver Island. The climax of Tiger and the Robot occurs in Desolation Sound. Available in paperback or ebook from Amazon and Kindle.

Born in the Caribbean nation of Grenada West in 1948, Grahame Shannon of North Vancouver is an avid sailor who immigrated to Canada with his parents as a child, later moving to Vancouver in 1967. Married with two children, he has worked for a BC software company and helped as a boat designer to create more than a hundred boats of all sorts, including the widely-known Walker Bay 8 dinghy.

(Self-published 2017) ISBN 154128159 Paperback $17.22 CDN, $12.95 US. Kindle ebook $2.99 CDN

[BCBW 2019]

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