Indigenous social work

“Long an advocate of incorporating traditional Indigenous knowledge into social work, Jeannine Carriere (at left) has co-edited a book of essays about addressing this urgent need.FULL STORY


Oy Vey! awards & BC authors

April 04th, 2023

The Joan Betty Stuchner — Oy Vey! — Funniest Children’s Book Award committee has shortlisted four BC authors this year.

Shortlisted books in the picture or board book category include Quiet, Please! (Orca Books, 2022) written and illustrated by Russ Willms (pictured at right) of Victoria.

Cale Atkinson

Shortlisted books in the chapter book category include two books by Vancouver-based Caroline Adderson, a book by Cale Atkinson who lives in Kelowna, and a book by Mark David Smith who lives in Coquitlam: Izzy’s Tail of Trouble (Kids Can Press, 2022) written by Caroline Adderson and illustrated by Kelly Collier; Babble! And How Punctuation Saved It (Tundra Books, 2022) written by Caroline Adderson and illustrated by Roman Muradov; Simon and Chester: Super Sleepover (Tundra Books, 2022) written and illustrated by Cale Atkinson; and The Weird Sisters: A Note, a Goat, and a Casserole (Owlkids, 2022) written by Mark David Smith and illustrated by Kari Rust, Owlkids Books.

Mark David Smith


Winners will be announced at the Oy Vey! Zoom Extravaganza on Frog Jumping Day (May 13, 2023) at 11am PST. To join us, please email: to reserve a spot.


Joan Betty Stuchner was a children’s author who loved to make people laugh. She passed away unexpectedly in 2014. The Joan Betty Stuchner – Oy Vey! – Funniest Children’s Book Award honours her warm and generous spirit by encouraging authors and illustrators to keep her life-affirming humour alive.

Joan Stuchner ready for a party, 2013.

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