2024 Governor General’s Finalists

This year, Brandi Bird (left) and six other BC-based authors made it to the shortlist of the GG’s Literary Awards within four categories. Read about the finalists and their work here.FULL STORY


Loghan Paylor

December 19th, 2023

Kathleen, better known as Kit McNair, a troublesome changeling was nursed to health by their mother’s Celtic magic, after having fallen through the river ice and drowned. A daredevil in boy’s clothes, Kit finds themselves caught in a tight love triangle with Rebekah, an elegant German-Canadian doctor’s daughter, and Kit’s brother, Landon. As they embark on separate paths to fight in World War II, Loghan Paylor’s debut novel, The Cure for Drowning (Penguin $24.95) unfolds a captivating narrative, exploring themes of identity, love and the profound impact of wartime experiences. Told through Kit and Rebekha’s voices, the story weaves a vivid and unforgettable tale of resilience and self-discovery. 9781039006454

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