Indigenous social work

“Long an advocate of incorporating traditional Indigenous knowledge into social work, Jeannine Carriere (at left) has co-edited a book of essays about addressing this urgent need.FULL STORY


Gould’s very short stories

May 22nd, 2020

On May 24, 2020, Victoria writer John Gould virtually launched The End of Me (Freehand $22.95), his new set of short stories about the experience of sudden mortality. Gould catches his characters at turning points in their lives at the very time they are encountering the mystery of their finite being. Stories include: a marooned astronaut bonding with a bereft cat; kids pelting a funeral procession with plums; a young girl pondering the brief brutality of her last life and bracing herself for the next one.

Photo credit: Sandy Mayzel


John Gould is the author of several collections of “very short” stories.

When his second collection, Kilter (Turnstone 2003) was published, Gould was the executive director of the Victoria School of Writing. He also taught in the Writing Department at the University of Victoria and he served on the editorial board of the Malahat Review.

Gould’s bibliography:

The Kingdom of Heaven: Eighty-Eight Palm-of-the-Hand Stories (Ekstasis Editions 1996)

Kilter: 55 Fictions (Turnstone Press 2003)

Seven Good Reasons Not to Be Good (HarperCollins 2010)

The End of Me (Freehand 2020)

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