Eight Miles High in Whistler
August 17th, 2015
The protagonist of Dietrich Kalteis’ second crime novel, Grey Stevens, is literally minding his own business, contentedly growing and selling a sought-after brand of pot in Whistler dubbed ‘Eight Miles High,’ and developing a new romance, when the incursion of two rival gangs in town gives rise to a turf war that threatens his life and his love. The Deadbeat Club (ECW $14.95) paints an unflattering view of the ‘world class’ ski resort while offering action, vengeance and dark humour. In the debut crime novel by Dietrich Kalteis of West Vancouver, Ride the Lightning (ECW 2014), a disbarred Seattle bounty hunter named Karl Morgen comes north to work as a process server in Vancouver. Impressed by a city in which “people settle things with middle fingers instead of guns,” Morgen nonetheless finds himself immersed in the city’s underbelly when he crosses paths with the scumbag from Seattle who had his license revoked, Miro Knotts, a dope dealer. 978-1-77041-152-4
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