Tyabji, Coleman and the BC Liberals

“Once the youngest MLA elected in BC, Judi Tyabji (left) has written her fourth title on politics in the province, a bio of Rich Coleman. Listen to her recent interview about the book here.FULL STORY


City of Victoria Book Prizes nominees

September 16th, 2015

Celebrating twelve years, the Victoria Book Prize Society has announced the eight authors from the Capital Region shortlisted for the 2015 City of Victoria Butler Book Prize for adult literature and the Bolen Books Children’s Book Prize. The winner of each prize will be awarded $5000.

The finalists for the City of Victoria Butler Book Prize for adult literature are:
Grant Buday (pictured above): The Delusionist, fiction (Anvil Press)
Karen Enns: Ordinary Hours, poetry (Brick Books)
Arleen Paré: Lake of Two Mountains, poetry (Brick Books)
Julie Paul: The Pull of the Moon, fiction (Brindle & Glass Publishing)
Nancy Turner: Ancient Pathways, Ancestral Knowledge, non-fiction (McGill-Queen’s University Press)

The finalists for the Bolen Books Children’s Book Prize are:
Penny Chamberlain: Shack Island Summer, ages 8-12 (Sono Nis Press)
Laura Langston: The Art of Getting Stared At, ages13-17 (Razorbill Canada)
Chris Tougas: Dojo Daycare, ages 5-7 (Owlkids Books)

Two independent juries composed of representatives from the literary arts community reviewed the entries for literary merit. The winners will be announced at the awards gala to be held at the Union Club of Victoria, 805 Gordon Street, on October 14th at 7:30.

Tickets are $20 and are available now at Bolen Books, Munro’s Books, Ivy’s Bookshop and the Victoria Book Prize Society (250-595-8430).

Founded in 2004, the City of Victoria Butler Book Prize is a partnership between the City of Victoria and Brian Butler of Butler Brothers Supplies. The Bolen Books Children’s Book Prize was founded in 2008. Additional sponsors include: Union Club of British Columbia, Greater Victoria Public Library, Island Blue Print, Magnolia Hotel and Spa, Hotel Grand Pacific, Chateau Victoria and CBC Radio.

The Victoria Book Prize Society establishes policy and criteria for the prizes, administers the competition and appoints the juries.

For further information call Kate Pollock, President VBPS at 250 896-8123 or visit: www.victoriabookprizes.ca.

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