Indigenous social work

“Long an advocate of incorporating traditional Indigenous knowledge into social work, Jeannine Carriere (at left) has co-edited a book of essays about addressing this urgent need.FULL STORY


Bethune launch

February 27th, 2018

The most famous Canadian in China remains the Communist medical pioneer Norman Bethune who served in the Spanish Civil War and supported Mao against Japanese invasion.

UVic history prof Larry Hannant has contributed a chapter about Norman Bethune’s relationships with women for Norman Bethune, Rediscovering Norman Bethune (Waterloo: Pandora Press 2018) to accompany two articles by David Lethbridge of Salmon Arm. ISBN 978-1-926599-60-1 Retail price $21.95

As an editor, Larry Hannant previously provided the first comprehensive collection of the writings and artwork of Norman Bethune, The Politics of Passion: Norman Bethune’s Writing and Art, which won the Robert S. Kenny Prize in Left/Labour Studies in 1999.

The newest book about Bethune will be launched on March 23 at Vancouver Community College at 7 pm.

The book arose from the “Bethune Legacy and Our Times Forum” that was held in Beijing in September 9-16, 2015, orchestrated by the China Cultural Heritage Foundation, the China Publishing Group, the China Bethune Spirit Research Association, and the “Bethune in China” Project Committee. The essential organizational efforts of Yan Li, Director of the Confucius Institute at Renison University College, were also integral.


Judith Maclean Miller,  Norman…Bethune…

Margaret Loewen Reimer, Norman Bethune: Man of Destiny

Margaret Loewen Reimer, Ceremonial Sword Sets the Stage

Marc St-Pierre, Norman Bethune: Hero in China, Not So Much in Canada

David Lethbridge, This Will Be My Name

Larry Hannant, I’m Not Your Man: Norman Bethune and Women

Dennis Bock, Searching for Bethune’s Beating Heart

David Lethbridge, Wounded in Love

Chengzhi Zhang, Re-Reading Mao on Bethune: 50 Years Later

Yan Li, Things Left to Lillian

Darrol Bryant, Remembering Norman Bethune




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