WW2 camaraderie
May 25th, 2020

Janet Love Morrison has written The Hawk and the Hare (Tidewater $22.95), a novel inspired by the true story of her father’s experiences during World War II as well as the original diaries of the Royal Hamilton Light Infantry — her father’s regiment. One of the members of the platoon, Reggie Johnson, an Indigenous soldier from Ontario’s Six Nations of the Grand River Reserve helps Private Morrison prepare for scouting missions against the enemy. Reggie’s bravery and skill earn him a field promotion but not the respect of all the men in his platoon. This is not the story of generals and officers, but of the men on the ground and the hardships they endured. Exploring themes of friendship, culture and valour, The Hawk and the Hare honours the young men who fought to liberate Europe in the final months of the war. 978-1-7770101-2-6
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