Indigenous social work

“Long an advocate of incorporating traditional Indigenous knowledge into social work, Jeannine Carriere (at left) has co-edited a book of essays about addressing this urgent need.FULL STORY


Thomas F. Pedersen

May 23rd, 2024

Dr. Thomas F. Pedersen examines British Columbia’s pioneering carbon tax policy in The Carbon Tax Question: Clarifying Canada’s Most Consequential Policy Debate (Harbour $26.95). Exploring the political and economic motivations behind the tax, Pedersen dispels misconceptions surrounding carbon taxation and highlights its global significance. The book outlines the evolution and implementation of BC’s policy, comparing it to other carbon-taxation efforts worldwide. Despite initial resistance, Pedersen argues that BC’s carbon tax serves as a model for effective climate action, challenging perceptions and advocating for socially just solutions. Will appeal to policymakers, economists and anyone concerned with addressing climate change effectively. 9781990776977

One Response to “Thomas F. Pedersen”

  1. Chris Tworek says:

    Read your letter in Globe and Mail this morning and find your summarized logic incomprehensible. What do I learn or forced to do if the tax that is supposed to wean me off carbon is returned to me and sometimes in greater amounts then I paid? Are people actually spending the returned money climate fighting or just using it to pay their higher energy bills? If the carbon tax is so effective, then why can we not tie that into actual emissions reductions? It is just virtual signalling on steroids and delusional that it is making an actual difference. Even your vaunted BC example has growing emissions. Calgary, AB.

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