Indigenous social work

“Long an advocate of incorporating traditional Indigenous knowledge into social work, Jeannine Carriere (at left) has co-edited a book of essays about addressing this urgent need.FULL STORY


Sasquatch researcher bio

June 28th, 2023

Stories of Sasquatch, also known as Bigfoot, endure in popular culture, Indigenous stories and folklore. People continue to report sightings of this large, apelike animal although such accounts are often treated as hoaxes, delusions or confusions. For the most part, the scientific community dismisses these reports. However, some scientists continue to believe there’s evidence for Sasquatch in North America such as the late wildlife biologist, Dr. John Bindernagel (1941 – 2018) of Comox Valley.

In his lifetime, Dr. Bindernagel was the “go-to guy” for news media about Sasquatch. How Bindernagel came to devote so much of his life to this legendary creature is the subject of a new biography, Sasquatch Discovered: The Biography of Dr. John Bindernagel (Crypto Editions/Hancock House $26.95) by Terrance N. James. Largely a tribute to Bindernagel, the book is another addition to the extensive collection of Sasquatch titles published by Surrey-based Hancock House.

Terrance N. James

Terrance N. James, a career educator and rehabilitation consultant, had a 25-year friendship with John Bindernagel, which inspired his own interest in Sasquatch research and led him to write this biography. James earned a BA and MEd from the University of Victoria and a PhD from the University of Calgary Rehabilitation Studies Program. He taught at elementary, secondary, college and university levels in Canada, and abroad in Costa Rica (International Schools Organization) and Gaza (CIDA project). He was born and raised on Vancouver Island, where he continues to make his home. He has written books and papers on Prader-Willi syndrome, the subject of his doctoral work, books on aboriginal education and special education, and books on local history topics.

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