Vancouver’s Lifeguard Legend

“Ruby Smith Diaz (l.) examines the life of Joe Fortes, a Black lifeguard in Vancouver, during a time of rampant racism, exploring his legacy and identity through research, personal reflections and poetry.FULL STORY


London noir

September 23rd, 2021

Author, actor and now Vancouver Public Library’s Fall 2021 writer in residence, C.C. Humphreys has published One London Day (Library and Archives Canada $20), a contemporary London noir thriller that begins on the date July 30, 2018. There’s a cast of characters and connections centered around Joseph Severin, a previously respectable North London businessman who begins doing the books for a rogue spy outfit called the Shadows. Severin is also falling for Lottie — “chaos on two legs” — who seems to only have eyes for a young Black actor on the verge of fame. The Shadows, headed by a psychopath are detected by the authorities and Severin is now in trouble with a hitman after him. Publicity for the book says: “like that genre’s 40’s origins, this story has its hood, its moll, its femme fatale, its fancy boy. Everyone is both protagonist and antagonist. No one gets out unharmed – and some don’t get out at all.” 9781989988046

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