Vancouver’s Lifeguard Legend

“Ruby Smith Diaz (l.) examines the life of Joe Fortes, a Black lifeguard in Vancouver, during a time of rampant racism, exploring his legacy and identity through research, personal reflections and poetry.FULL STORY


Judy LeBlanc

July 17th, 2023

In her multi-generational novel spanning hundreds of years, Judy LeBlanc brings to life the Expulsion of the Acadians (1755 – 1764) and the trauma that lives on in their descendants in her novel The Broken Heart of Winter (Caitlin $24.95). Expelled by the British from the lands and homes these French immigrants had cultivated for a century, the Acadians were sent into exile by the thousands. The ensuing tragedy is told through the historical story of one of the Acadian families, and bookended by the contemporary story of their descendants. Demonstrating the resilience of refugees, the three main charactersall womenadapt and carry on despite the treachery they face. 9781773861050

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