Helen Knott
November 02nd, 2023
“The stories of this place live in the bodies of the people who come from it, and we are the living maps and old stories. I am a sliver of memory. A crescent moon. A blazing sun half surrendered to the horizon. A living fragment of my grandmother’s recollection,” writes Helen Knott in her formidable memoir, Becoming a Matriarch (Knopf $32.00). Her highly anticipated second book, following her acclaimed debut memoir, In My Own Moccasins (University of Regina Press, 2019), delves into themes of grief, love and legacy. She grapples with the loss of her mom and grandmother in a short span, navigating the complex dynamics of matriarchy, martyrdom and codependency. Knott embarks on a profound journey of self-discovery and realization, shedding the old self to embrace becoming a matriarch. The book weaves together elements of mourning, sobriety in the face of loss and generational aspirations, offering poetic insights, humor, and a heartfelt exploration of what a matriarchy truly means. 9780385697774
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