Cautionary poems
August 10th, 2020
A is for Alexander
Susan Alexander’s second volume of poetry, Nothing You Can Carry (Thistledown $20) focuses on apprehensions (climate change) and mysteries (love) in a world increasingly separate from the sacred. “Mostly, this collection is a cautionary tale,” writes Dr. Laura Apol, “a reminder of what is loved and what is always, ever, in danger of being lost.” Alexander’s new themes mark a change from the fanciful subjects of her debut poetry book, The Dance Floor Tilts (Thistledown 2017) in which a cow-eyed goddess steals a nymph’s tongue and steering wheels are taken over by octopi. Alexander’s wide-ranging imagination is fuelled by eclectic work experiences such as working as a chambermaid, a CBC Radio journalist and an associate at a boutique investment firm. Her suite of poems, Vigil, received the 2019 Ross and Davis Mitchell Prize for Faith and Poetry. She won the 2016 Short Grain poetry prize and the 2015 Vancouver Writers’ Festival Contest. 97817718719834
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