25 and counting
September 23rd, 2016

Ron Dart of Abbotsford has taught in the department of political science/philosophy/religious studies at University of the Fraser Valley since 1990, undertaken Ph.D studies at McMaster University and served on staff with Amnesty International in the 1980s in B.C. He is a leading authority on the subject of Canadian High–Red Toryism, and some of its most significant thinkers, including Stephen Leacock and George Grant. His 25th book The North American High Tory Tradition (American Anglican Press, 2016) has a foreword from Jonathan M. Paquette of the University of St Andrews Institute of Intellectual History. It was celebrated with a public event sponsored by American Anglican Press and the George Grant Society.
Date Of Birth: October 24 1950
Place Of Birth: Toronto
Arrival in Canada:
Arrival in BC: Spring 1979
Education: BA (Lethbridge); DCS, MCS (Regent College), MA (UBC)
The North American High Tory Tradition (American Anglican Press, 2016) $55
Keepers of the Flame: Canadian Red Toryism (Fermentation Press, 2012)
George P. Grant: Canada’s Lone Wolf: Essays in Political Philosophy (Freshwind Press, 2011)
George Grant: Spiders and Bees (Freshwind Press, 2008)
Thomas Merton and the Beats of the North Cascades (Serratus Press, 2008)
The Eagle and the Ox: Contemplation, the Church and Politics (Freshwind Press, 2007)
Mountaineering and the Humanities (Serratus Press, 2006)
Athens and Jerusalem: George Grant’s Theology, Philosophy, and Politics: co-editor (University of Toronto Press, 2006)
The Beatitudes: When Mountain Meets Valley (Freshwind Press, 2006)
Stephen Leacock: Canada’s Red Tory Prophet (Synaxis Press, 2006)
The Spirituality of John Cassian (Synaxis Press, 2005)
Erasmus and Merton: Soul Friends (Chelsea Press, 2005)
The Canadian High Tory Tradition: Raids on the Unspeakable (Synaxis Press, 2004)
Busking (Synaxis Press, 2003)
Robin Mathews: Crown Prince of Canadian Political Poets (Synaxis Press, 2002)
St. Matthew’s Parish: A People’s History, editor (2001)
Crosshairs: Being Poetic, Being Political, Being Canadian (Synaxis Press, 2000)
The Red Tory Tradition: Ancient Roots, New Routes (Synaxis Press, 1999)
In A Pluralist World (Regent College Publishing, 1998)
The Marks of the Church and Renewal (Chelsea Press, 1994)
Lizard in the Palace (Chelsea Press, 1992)
The Lute and the Anvil (Chelsea Press, 1988)
Contemplation and the Polis (Chelsea Press, 1987)
Adam: Romantics, Rationalists, Prophets: A Dialogue (Chelsea Press, 1985)
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