Thieving goddesses and roving octopi
April 24th, 2017

A cow-eyed goddess steals a nymph’s tongue. Steering wheels are taken over by octopi. These are some of the images in Susan Alexander’s book of poems The Dance Floor Tilts (Thistledown $17.95), due for publication this fall. Her wide-ranging imagination is fuelled by eclectic experiences according to the book’s publicity, including: work as a chambermaid, CBC Radio journalist, and associate at a boutique investment firm, as well as being a stay-at-home mom and reflecting on family history and her passions. Alexander is the winner of the 2016 Short Grain poetry prize and the 2015 Vancouver Writers’ Festival Contest. Her poems have been published in SubTerrain, Arc, CV2, Grain, Room, The Antigonish Review, and PRISM international. 978-1-77187-152-5
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